Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Paynes Prairie

Did you know that Florida has prairie land? I didn't, that is until we visited Paynes Prairie state park!

Paynes Prairie boasts a 1600 acre natural prairie that is home to diverse wildlife. Probably the most shocking features of the park is, it is home to Florida's only wild Bison. Seriously, Bison in Florida, who knew?! In the 1400 Spanish explores recorded Paynes Prairie as having large herds of Buffalo sadly by the 1700 they had disappeared.

In the 1970s Bison from the midwest plains were reintroduced to Paynes Prairie. The thriving herd grew into the hundreds until a disease almost completely wiped them out in the 1990s. A small herd remains and is slowly recovering but unlike their relatives out west they are elusive.

If say you dont have 4 small children in tow, like I do, taking the time to track these guys down is well worth it. Trust me once our boys are old enough we'll be back and hopefully I'll have pictures to share!

Along with Bison, Paynes is home to bob cats, snakes, alligator, wild horses, scrub cattle and a wide variety of birds. In fact the Great Florida Birding Trail runs through the park!

The visitor center has amazing educational displays on park wildlife inside, including hands on artifacts. Our boys loved it.

There is a balcony in back that overlooks the prairie but live oaks block most of the view. For a better view you have to walk out the back down the sidewalk a ways to an observation tower.

The view is lovely!

More on the Paynes Prairie Campground and a review of the park to come!

Also for more info or to support Paynes Prairie check out, Friends of Paynes Prairie!

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